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Digital Spray Printer

This machine is a large scale vertically mounted gantry robot with a automated spray head. This allows the printing of images directly onto wall surfaces with an aerosol effect. It can be used for advertising and artwork. It has a print envelope of 1.8m x 1.2m.

The was a challenging  multi-disciplined project . It required a lightweight, rigid, accurate, two axis gantry mechanism , powerful high  current motor control, pneumatic digital valve control, firmware for control  and communication of the spray head, an array of monitoring sensors, custom application software translation of the artwork and overall control.


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The machine is fabricated from standard aluminium angle and rexroth aluminium profile. It uses low cost V-groove bearings for linear movement.


Digital spray printer demo video


The head has aircontrol, needle, proximity sensor and valves.


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Multipole waterproof external connections were used to ensure the machine could be used in most weather conditions.


The drive control consists of  compact fanless industrial PC running Debian Linus, parallel port expansion board for I/O control, 24v power supply, pressure vessel valve controlled by Pulse Wave Modulation, USB RS485 interface for long distance communications to the print head, high current step/driection stepper motor drivers with passive cooling fins.




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Print results


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